U1000 - Low Harmonics Regenerative Matrix Converter




Regenerative Energy

Efficient Energy Usage You Can Save This Much! Visualizing Savings
Harmonics Reduce Power Supply Harmonic countermeasures Drives Synchronous Motors
Drives Synchronous Motors Wide Product Lineup Improved Power Factor Compliance with SIL3 
High-speed Operation! Solve Noise Problems! Commercial Power Switching Maintenance
Precise Operation! Cutting-Edge Torque  Environmental Features Built-in EMC filters
Built-in 24-V power supply Safety Special Models Customize Your Drive
Easy Maintenance Comparison 


Without peripheral devices, the input current waveform becomes sinusoidal, similar to that of a commercial power supply, so the harmonic pollution of the power supply is minimized for the protection of surrounding machinery. The available power system capacity can be increased, and the regulations on harmonics easily met.

When an AC drive converts power, the input current is distorted, which results in harmonics.
These harmonics can interfere with other electric devices, such as by causing overheating or damage to power supply facilities and malfunction and noise in precision devices.

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Reduce Power Supply Capacity

The power factor is high, so you can use a lower power supply capacity.
You can also downsize wires and generator capacity, and may qualify for price benefits from your power company.



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