Diesel Generator Liquid Level Sensor



Cloud data centers are the backbone of todays business, and fail-safe redundancy to protect their clients data and service uptime is a fundamental premise of their business model. Customers expect 24/7 service and business disruption is unacceptable. As such, data centers deploy contingency plans, equipment and security to address threats from natural disasters, fires, terrorism and power outages. Battery backup systems and power generators are basic equipment at any center. In the event of power loss, they protect data and ensure service uptime for 24-72 hours depending upon their diesel fuel supply. Generators are regularly exercised to confirm their good working order. At this financial data center, EchoPod ultrasonic level transmitters are installed in each diesel storage tank. The non-contact sensors provide continuous level data to the building’s automation system. When the level drops to 80% of full capacity, the tanks are refilled. EchoPod is reliable diesel generator level measurement.





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