Fire Sprinkler Water Liquid Level Sensor








The Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990 and National Fire Protection Association NFPA standards require that all new multi-tenant buildings, 4 stories in height or more, must be fitted with fire sprinklers. The standards also require high rise residential and commercial buildings to be outfit with additional water storage capacity to ensure that sprinklers will have local supply in the event that city water is cut off during the fire. Hence, water storage tanks are now designed into high rises and architects attempt to reclaim, treat and reuse available water where possible. At this New York commercial high rise, rain water is captured on the roof, and periodically used to refill the fire sprinkler storage tanks. Here, an EchoPod ultrasonic level transmitter is installed over a collection. The non-contact sensor provides continuous level data to the building’s automation system. EchoPod is reliable fire sprinkler water level measurement.











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