Detergent Batch Mix Tank Guided Wave Level Sensor

Detergent Batch Mix Tank Guided Wave Level Sensor

When a Southeast manufacturer of commercial cleaning and sanitizing solutions needed reliable level measurement of their batch mix tanks, they turned to Flowline. The firm blends and packages cleaning supplies for janitorial and institutional customers, and their batch tanks feed the bottling lines with product. Level measurement is used to determine the exact amount of chemical and water to be dispensed into each batch, and accuracy is therefore critical. Further, as some chemicals foam when dispensed, the operators had experienced problems with ultrasonic level sensors, due to the absorbing effects of foam on acoustic signals. For these reasons, Flowline suggested the use of our guided wave sensors, that are extremely accurate and unaffected by foam or bubbles. The guided wave sensors provide continuous level data to the PLC, which in turn, monitors the tanks and controls the filling and mixing. Flowline is reliable level measurement.




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