Fertigation Storage Tank Ultrasonic Level Measurement

Fertigation Storage Tank Ultrasonic Level Measurement
Fertigation Storage Tank Ultrasonic Level Measurement  

When a California avocado farmer needed reliable level measurement of their liquid fertilizer storage tanks, they turned to Flowline. Located in remote Northeast San Diego County, the farm has two wells and automated drip irrigation. To increase fruit vigor and yield, the trees require nitrogen and zinc throughout the grow season. So, they mix, store and inject liquid fertilizers at each well site. Given their locale, the chemical delivery cost is high and must be scheduled well in advance. The farm manager said that the previous float level switches would corrode and fail every six months, resulting in fertilizer outages. He needed a reliable level switch that would alarm at 50% and 25% of tank capacity. For these reasons, Flowline suggested our non-contact, corrosion resistant ultrasonic sensors with integral relays and control logic. The ultrasonic sensors provide reliable switching to the wireless SCADA that transmits alarms to the farm shop. Flowline is reliable level measurement.



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