GP4000H Series Options


Product name Product number Description
USB Transfer Cable (USB Type A/Type A) 2m CA3-USBCB-01 Downloads project data created with the screen editing software via the display unit’s USB I/F.
USB Transfer Cable (USB Type A/mini-B) 1.8 m ZC9USCBMB1 Cable for transferring screen data from a PC (USB Type A) to this product (USB mini-B).
USB Cable 5m FP-US00 Connects a USB printer. (TYPE-B)
Hard-type Direct-connect Cable 10m GP3000H-CBLH-10M Heavy-duty type interface cable for communication between this product and external equipment (e.g. host controller), equipped with common mode filter.
Soft-type Direct-connect Cable 3m GP3000H-CBLS-3M Standard type interface cable for communication between this product and external equipment (e.g. host controller), equipped with common mode filter.
5m GP3000H-CBLS-5M
10m GP3000H-CBLS-10M
Hard-type Direct-connect Cable (with connector) 10m GP3000H-CBLHD-10M Heavy-duty type cable between the Conversion Adapter and this product.
Soft-type Direct-connect Cable (with connector) 3m GP3000H-CBLSD-3M Standard type cable between the Conversion Adapter and this product.
5m GP3000H-CBLSD-5M
10m GP3000H-CBLSD-10M
Conversion Adapter AGP3000H-ADPCOM-01 Conversion Adapter for interfacing with a Cable Connector and External Output I/F output the following connectors;
Serial: D-Sub 9 pin (plug), Ethernet: modular jack (RJ-45), Others: terminal block.
SD Memory Card PFXZCBSD4GC41 SD Memory Card (4 GB, CLASS4)
Screen Protection Sheet PFXZCBDS61 Disposable, dirt-resistant sheet for the display (5 sheets/set)
UV Protection Sheet PFXZCFUV61 Sheet to protect the display from dirt and ultraviolet light.
Neck Strap GP2000H-STRAP11 Strap for wearing over the neck.
Wall Hanging Adapter GP3000H-WMA-01 Bracket for mounting this product to a commercially available arm or panel.
RS-232C Isolation Unit CA3-ISO232-01 Connects a host controller to this adapter with provides isolation. (RS-232C and RS-422 are switchable.)

Maintenance Accessories

Product name Product number Description
Touch Pen CA7-TPPEN/ALL-01 Touch pens for screen operation (5 peace).
Hand Strap GP3000H-HS-01 Strap for hand-held operation.
Stop Switch Guard GP3000H-EMGD-01 For preventing accidental operation.
Function Switch Sheet GP3000H-DUPS-01 For changing image of the function switches. 5 sheets/set (x 5)
Installation Gasket GP3000H-WPGADP-01 Provides dust and moisture resistance when Conversion Adapter is installed into a solid panel.


* "* *" is changed with the version of software.
Product Name Model No. Description
GP-Pro EX Ver. 4.06 or later PFXEXEDV** HMI Screen editor & Logic Programming Software
GP-Pro EX Editor License *1 PFXEXEDLS** GP-Pro EX editor license
GP-Pro EX Editor Group License *2 10 licenses PFXEXGRPLS**10 GP-Pro EX editor group license
25 licenses PFXEXGRPLS**25
50 licenses PFXEXGRPLS**50
Pro-Server EX Ver. 1.34 or later *3*4 PFXEXSDVV** Software that connects a PC to a GP via Ethernet and collects and transmits data
Pro-Server EX Developer License *5 EX-SED-LICENSE Pro-Server EX developer license
Pro-Server EX Runtime License *6 EX-SRT-LICENSE Pro-Server EX Runtime license
GP-Viewer EX *3 1 licence EX-VIEWER-LICENSE License allowing a PC to access a GP4000 in remote mode.
10 licences EX-VIEWER-LICENSE-10
30 licences EX-VIEWER-LICENSE-30
Pro-face Remote HMI
(iPhone、iPad、iPod touch) Ver. 1.42 or later
PFXEXRHIOSV** Software to operate Pro-face HMI screen on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
Pro-face Remote HMI
(Android) Ver. 1.42 or later
PFXEXRHANDV** Software to operate Pro-face HMI screen on Android OS
Pro-face Remote HMI Free
PFXEXRHANDTRV** Free software to operate Pro-face HMI screen on tablets or smartphones with Android OS
MES Action License *3 EX-MES-LICENSE-V** License key permitting Pro-Server EX to access a database
RPA Client License *3 Single License EX-RPA License to access a PC on the network in remote mode
10 Licenses EX-RPA-10
30 Licenses EX-RPA-30

*1Purchase this product when installing GP-Pro EX in a second or subsequent PC. One license is required for each PC.

*2Group License consists of one set of Serial No./Key Code for installation on 10 PCs. (Should be used in the same office. Supports GP-Pro EX Ver. 3.1 or later.)

*3This is available for the models with Ethernet port.

*4Includes the settings editor and Runtime.

*5Purchase this product when installing the settings editor and Run time in subsequent PCs.

*6Purchase this license when installing only Run time in subsequent PCs. One license is required for each PC.



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