Effective, fast and simple


Test stands can be quickly, simply and effectively automated using Delphin products. These provide all measurement, automation and evaluation functions without the need for any additional interfaces. For PC-based test stands, cost-effective Expert Key devices are the ideal choice. For long-term measurements, Message devices provide the added benefit that all measurement, control and monitoring tasks can be reliably performed without the need of PC support. ProfiSignal Klicks has predefined components to provide a tool for users to easily create individual test stand applications. The test applications generated are easy to use and maintain.





Application features

  • Measurement, automation and monitoring functions combined in a single system
  • Multiple test stands can be operated independently of each other using a PC
  • Easy creation, maintenance and extension of ProfiSignal applications
  • Office compatibility, data and graphic export, SQL and ODBC interfaces
  • Delphin application development services for turnkey systems according to requirements

Practical example

A manufacturer of pressure and flow measurement devices carries out quality assurance testing in its own EMC laboratory. Testing is fully automated. Analog as well as impulse outputs from test samples are acquired, visualised, recorded and evaluated. Expert Key 100 P hardware devices were chosen because they provide the required precision as well as connection technology in the form of 4 mm laboratory plugs. The data is processed using the DataService's flexible software channel options. ProfiSignal Go automatically documents every test procedure. Additional evaluation takes place using Excel.

Typical areas of application

  • Endurance testing
  • Test stands for long-term testing
  • Standards-compatible testing
  • Environmental simulation
  • Process control and step-by-step processing


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