Monitoring and fault analysis

Cranes are complex systems made up of many different component types. They need to be continuously available, have low operating costs and high productivity and therefore justify the use of a monitoring system that uses LogMessage or ProfiMessage devices. These ensure continuous monitoring for wear and tear as well as detailed analysis in the event of a fault. Digital and analog signals can be acquired and recorded independently within the Message device. A partitionable data memory enables differentiated storage of fault data including pre and post histories as well as long-term data for condition monitoring. The crane data can be accessed via UMTS, WLAN or a USB stick and evaluated using ProfiSignal.  

Application features

  • Synchronous acquisition of high-speed analog and digital signals
  • Condition monitoring and fault diagnostics within a single device
  • No requirement for an on-site PC and easy data read-outs using a USB stick
  • Data transmission options via WLAN, UMTS or network routers
  • Fast and easy data evaluation using logic analyses and trends 

Practical example

Container cranes in a harbour are equipped with ProfiMessage devices to increase crane availability and to enable planning of the required maintenance intervals. Acquired measurement data includes power consumption and temperatures of motors, vibrations and travel distances. Software channels within the device enable functions such as operating hour counters, the online analysis of measurement data, and statistical processing. Integrated threshold values and logic channels enable alarm functions and messaging in the event of threshold violations. The data acquired and processed enables optimised planning of maintenance intervals. The early detection of wear and faults avoids expensive follow-on damage. 

Typical areas of application

  • Fault analysis in industrial cranes
  • Monitoring of wear in crane systems
  • Development of crane maintenance-plans using data analysis
  • Monitoring of system symmetries
  • Monitoring crane travel and range distances
  • Error detection in control and power components
  • Maintenance planning for container cranes


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