Delphin's new DASYLab™ device driver gives users fast and easy access to measurement data in the Expert and Message devices for DASYLab™- Versions 8 and 9 to 12.

The device driver transfers online to DASYLab™ all data that has been made available by theProfiSignal-DataService. This enables such data to be instantly processed by the data acquisition software. DASYLab™ can access data from Delphin's PC-based Expert Key, from Delphin's Message systems and from third-party hardware and software.

Delphin's device driver for DASYLab™ is ideally structured with data transfer regulated via two modules.

An input module accepts the data and makes it available within DASYLab™. DASYLab™ settings can then be made using the configurations dialog. The block size for the data to be transferred is automatically calculated thereby simplifying the process for the user.

An output module regulates the transfer of data to the Delphin hardware.

Pre-computed FFT data within the Message devices can also be read out.


Driver properties

• Easy input and output of measurement data

• Device driver is installed directly into DASYLab™

• Fast data access

• Capable of accessing Message device software channels

• Available for Expert Key, LogMessage, TopMessage and ProfiMessage

• Transfer of pre-computed FFT data

• DASYLab™ 8 and 9 to 12

• Specific DASYLab™ applications for Delphin hardware



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