OLE for Process Control (OPC)

OPC is used where sensors, controllers and control systems from different manufacturers are being used within a common and flexible network. Without OPC, precise information exchange on equipment communication would then be necessary.

The OPC interface is based on the OPC Foundation standard and supports the DA (data access) functions in versions 1.0, 2.0, 3.0. The integrated "BrowseServerAddressSpace" function quickly and simply lists the device channels available for selection. The OPC therefore facilitates simple data exchange with systems such as NI LabView™, Wonderware Intouch™ or WinCC™.

For data exchange with other hardware and software equipment, Delphin provides an OPC client as well as an OPC server.


OPC Client

Data from external hardware and software can be incorporated into Delphin's DataService by way of the OPC client. This data, along with other measurement data, is then continuously recorded to a DataService database and made available to ProfiSignal applications.

ProfiSignal can combine the measurement data from different machinery sensors or software systems, archive it and visualize it. Measurement data analysis in diagram format, data export or the writing of parameters to OPC channels takes place as if operating with Expert or Message hardware.

OPC Server

The ProfiSignal OPC server option makes available to other systems the measurement data from Expert or Message hardware as well as data from any other channel present in the ProfiSignal software. A reliable exchange of data takes place via a standard TCP/IP connection using server-client technology.


Technical specifications
Specification OPC-DA version 1.0, 2.0, 3.0  
Update rate 250 (ms maximum)
Operating system for Delphin server/client from Windows 2000 to Windows 7
Operating system of external software/hardware Any operating system (depends on external software/hardware producer)
Network type Local, TCP/IP


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