Pavone Sistemi was founded in 1963 and the company went through all levels of technological developments.
Today Pavone Sistemi provides integrated solutions for weighing, process control and measurement. Their wide range of products and systems, including those developed internally and world-wide traded, guarantees every kind of weighing and measurement project for all industrial applications: steel mill, metallurgy, paints, tanneries, concrete mill, paper mill, glass industry, pharmaceutical, chemical, petrochemical, food & beverage and packaging.
Pavone Sistemi's product range include pallet weighing, crane scales, beam weighing, weighing platforms. They have also manufactured simple yet advanced weighing indicators that are very user-friendly and packed with enough power to get the job done.
Their mission is to offer products and services - ensuring the best accuracy, reliability and repeatability for every measurement.


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Correct installation of a weighing system

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