How We Work Together


The field of test and measurement can produce many challenges along the way. And many of these challenges require unique and

untraditional solutions. Geared toward the creation of producing these solutions, FUTEK welcomes industries to bring us their application inquiries.

We will work with you to develop and design the most suitable and efficient sensor solution for your particular application. Here are a few examples of these unique challenges that FUTEK faced, producing remarkable results.

Safe Landing
   NASA continues to send interesting applications our way. This application revolves around NASA’s Orion Project. The mission involved the need of a sturdy parachute to carry the return vehicle back to the earth’s surface. NASA called up us to develop and design the column load cell that measured the load of the vehicle as it was applied to the parachute’s cables. The precision of these load cells was a high priority, and FUTEK understood the gravity that rested on these measurement tests. All in all, not only were the tests deemed successful, but so was the mission itself.
Out of This World
    The phrase “the sky’s the limit” doesn’t ring true for FUTEK. Recently, NASA contacted our team to propose a cryogenic force sensor application, which would be operating on Mars. After learning the details on the mission’s expectations, our engineers worked diligently to design and manufacture a transducer for the biggest, most advanced mission to take place on the Martian surface. With challenge of great temperature variations, FUTEK designed a force sensor capable of withstanding 23F to -124F weather.
The Jawbone
  Pankey Institute for Continuing Dental Education presented us with a rather unique application challenge. They required a load cell that would measure the multiple forces applied to the human jaw line. The application was intended to demonstrate to students the most beneficial ways to relocate the jaw. However, to measure this was the challenge. Our engineers needed to think outside of the typical test and measurement box to design a product capable of producing the results for this application. Good news: we did it


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