Application 127

Vampire Bite Force

Application Summary

In an attempt to estimate the strength of a vampire’s bite, Spike TV’s Deadliest Warrior called upon the assistance of a four-legged friend: an alligator. Utilizing FUTEK's LLB Miniature Load Button Load Cell, the esteemed group of experts for DW were able to confirm a bite force of nearly 1,800 lb.


Products in Use

Miniature Load Buttons (LLB Series) paired with FUTEK's USB Solutions and SENSIT Test and Measurement Software.

Load Cell - Vampire Bite Force
How it Works
  1. Pairing the FUTEK LLB450 with our USB Solution and SENSIT™ Test and Measurement Software, the Deadliest Warrior experts were able to instantaneously measure/view the force applied by the alligator.
  2. In an attempt to bring a source seemingly comparable to that of a vampire, Deadliest Warrior called upon the assistance of a four-legged friend: an alligator.
  3. Determined to have a strikingly proportionate jaw strength resemblance, the Deadliest Warrior crew taunted our reptile ally with a planked rod enclosing a LLB450 - a miniature 5,000 lb. capacity load button load cell.
  4. With sheer grit, the alligator chomped down onto this apparatus with a recorded force of 1,723 lb.
Load Cell - LLB SERIES - Miniature Load Buttons
Miniature Load Buttons
Load Cell - USB SOLUTIONS - High Resolution USB Output Module
High Resolution USB Output Module
Load Cell - SOFTWARE - SENSITâ„¢ Test and Measurement
SENSIT™ Test and Measurement


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