How SENSIT works with our USB Technology
The SENSIT software is designed to display and record measurements made by USB Sensors. At its core, the software is incredibly simple and efficient. Users can take advantage of basic features such as the display mode, where the sensors peak/valley is shown, or utilize more advanced functions for data logging and graphing. Programmed entirely by FUTEK engineers, this software seamlessly integrates with all USB Sensors.
Working with a USB OutputDisplay
With the introduction of our USB Technology, FUTEK designed the SENSIT software to capture all of your test and measurement data. SENSIT Test and Measurement Software displays the Peak/Valley, Tare/Gross and allows full data logging and live graphing capabilities.
Working with a Handhelding
Keeping in mind our additional instrument lines, FUTEK expanded SENSIT Test and Measurement Software to provide the same data analysis for our IHH500 Handheld Display as it does for our USB Solutions.
Working with a Panel Mountf(x)
FUTEK expanded the SENSIT Test and Measurement Software to work alongside our panel mount display: the IPM650. Pairing SENSIT with the IPM650 allows users to ability to remote access the display, as well as graph and log data.