Application 150

Wire Bond Testing

Application Summary

Wire pull testing or wire bond testing is a technique used in order to evaluate the bond quality and strength in microelectronic applications. In this automated wire bond testing system, FUTEK’s LSM300 or LSB200 can be integrated into the cartridge mechanism in order to record the peak force or breaking force of the wire bond.


Products in Use

OEM Load Cell or Jr. Miniature S-Beam Load Cell (LSM300 or LSB200) paired with Instrumentation (USB Solutions).

Load Cell - Wire Bond Testing
How it Works
  1. Wire bond testing systems enables two types of wire pull testing: destructive and non-destructive.
  2. During a destructive wire pull test, a wire is pulled upward (perpendicular to the substrate) by a hook until there is either a bond failure or the wire breaks. This type of test is intended for process setup.
  3. During a non-destructive wire pull test, a wire is pulled upward (perpendicular to the substrate) by a hook at a predesignated force to ensure high reliability packaging.
  4. Wire bond testing systems also have the ability to perform the following test: Solder Ball Shear, Die Shear, Stud Bump Pull, Passivation Layer Shear, Ribbon Pull, Tweezer Peel, Fatigue and Push.
  5. Specifically during a wire pull test FUTEK’s LSM300 precision load cell or LSB200 miniature load cell can be attached to the hook tool to measure the pulling force exerted on the wire under test.
  6. These force measures can be streamed to a computer for analysis utilizing FUTEK’s USB Solutions.
Load Cell - LSM300 - OEM Load Cell
OEM Load Cell
Load Cell - LSB200 - Jr. Miniature S-Beam Load Cell
Jr. Miniature S-Beam Load Cell
Load Cell - USB SOLUTIONS - High Resolution USB Output Module
High Resolution USB Output Module
Load Cell - SOFTWARE - SENSITâ„¢ Test and Measurement Software
SENSIT™ Test and Measurement Software


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