Analog and digital I/O module and cloud function

The cloud as a measurement hardware component

  • Cloud functioning through the installation of ProfiSignal Web software (measurement technology for edge cloud computing)
  • Mobile access to live measurement data from any user device
  • Dashboard displaying current process parameters, live data and historical data

Modbus and OPC UA

  • Modbus interface (optional)
  • OPC-UA server/client interface (optional)

Versatile sensor input modules

  • High-precision, universal sensor inputs
  • Universal analog inputs (mV, mA, thermocouple, RTDs)
  • Optional board with internal shunt and feed for passive 4 .. 20 mA sensors
  • Modules channel variants: I/O modules with a range of different channel numbers, universal analog and digital inputs and outputs

Data storage

  • Internal data storage capability: 4/8/16 GB / approx. 30 million measurement values per GB
  • Time stamps at msec resolution
  • External equipment using USB, NFS, CIFS, (S)FTP
  • Network connectivity via LAN, WLAN and remote radio

Other functions

  • Integrated software channels for real-time calculation and processing of channel values
  • Optional web-based measurement data visualisation
  • Optional internal rechargeable power source to enable operation without mains power
  • Also available as a PC-supported model without logger functions (USB module)


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