Automated measurements

Measurement technology used in laboratories needs to be flexible and very simple to operate. The Expert Key is therefore especially suited for labs in the chemical and pharmaceuticals sectors as well as in universities. Any type of sensor can be operated using the Expert Key. Data from laboratory equipment can also be acquired via serial interfaces. With the ProfiSignal software, Delphin enables serial coupling so that any type of laboratory data can then be acquired within a single system. Connecting to a LIMS is also possible. Lab equipment such as stirrers can be controlled via outputs. Clear and easy to manage process control and monitoring options are available via sequencer objects and limit value channels. Integrated reports automatically process measurement results.  

Application features

  • Universal inputs suitable for any type of sensor (e.g. mA, mV, RTD, thermocouples)
  • Operating and control of laboratory equipment via digital and analog outputs
  • Connection of up to 8 devices via serial interfaces
  • Connection via 4 mm plugs for laboratory environments
  • Complete systems including hardware and operator friendly software

Practical example: Laboratory measurement data acquisition in the pharmaceutical sector

In the laboratory of a medium-sized pharmaceutical manufacturer, Expert Key devices are being used in trials to measure flows, conductivity, and pH values. The sensors are connected to the Expert Key for mV and mA measurements. Several Expert Key P devices are being used which are equipped with 4 mm laboratory plugs appropriate for use in laboratory environments. The connector technology being used enables flexible and fast change-overs for differing requirements. A range of laboratory equipment can be connected via serial interfaces, for example, weighing machines for gravimetric dosing, and sensors with serial interfaces. ProfiSignal Basic software is being used to monitor and operate measurements. Data recording is performed according to batches.

Typical areas of application

  • Experimental trials
  • Laboratory automation
  • Dosage applications
  • Recording of laboratory measurement data


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