Transient data acquisition

Events that cause faults – whether in electrical networks or in systems – usually occur only sporadically. A single peak can trigger an alarm. Such peaks require acquisition and analysis which needs long-term and continuous recording. Delphin offers its Expert Transient device to perform such tasks. 8 or 16 analog tracks can be synchronously acquired in parallel at sampling rates of up to 50 kHz per channel. Data recording takes place using an internal or external storage medium (NAS). Expert Transient devices have a highly compact and space saving design. The Expert Transient does not require PC support so data recording is stable and secure. In addition to the analog signals, PROFIBUS „sniffing“ can be performed and the data synchronously recorded.  

Application features

  • Transient data acquisition at sampling rates of up to 50 kHz
  • Synchronous measurement of analog signals
  • Sniffi ng function available for PROFIBUS measurement data
  • System extendible by up to 64 analog inputs

Practical example: Synchronous and transient acquisition of structure-borne noise

A military application examines ground sound-wave dispersal. Geophones are used at up to 48 sites to record high frequency data. The geophones provide an IEPE-compatible output signal which can be directly connected to an Expert Transient device. Three Expert Transient devices, each with 16 inputs, are being used for this purpose. Synchronous sampling is performed on the 16 analog inputs. The devices are linked to each other via a network. Synchronisation between the devices takes place using a PTP protocol. Absolute time synchronisation is performed via GPS.

Typical areas of application

  • High-speed data logger
  • Pressure impulse measurement
  • Peak detection in electrical networks
  • Independent long-term recording
  • Sound dispersal measurement
  • Fault searching
  • PROFIBUS data logging


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