Data security and monitoring

The aim of endurance testing is to subject products to long-term testing and to provide service life certification. The basis for a PC-independent system of long-term data acquisition and control are hardware devices equipped with 16 GB internal memories and independently operating control and regulating functions. Such devices function operate continuously and restart automatically in the event of a power failure thereby providing uninterrupted data recording. Faults and system failures can be reported via email or switch outputs. An integrated scheduler within the DataService system enables additional data archiving to a PC or server. Users can then use ProfiSignal from any PC to evaluate archived data.  

Application features

  • Measurement, automation and analysis functions in a single device
  • Multiple test stands can be operated independently of each other
  • Date security through automated data reading of the device memory
  • Data security and automatic restart in the event of power failures
  • Monitoring of test samples and email / test message notification in the event of a fault

Practical example

An automotive supplier develops, tests and produces fans and cooling systems. To guarantee the service life of products, complex endurance tests are carried out. The test samples are installed into climate chambers and then subjected to simulated daily and yearly cycles. The Message devices function completely independently and are informed via text message only in the event of a malfunction. More than 70 climate chambers are operated in parallel. Endurance testing of 2000 to 3000 hours is required. In addition to data acquisition and monitoring, setpoint profiles for the test samples are generated within the Message devices. Data is transmitted online and automatically saved to a server. Despite the huge volume of data, ProfiSignal is able to portray the complete test period instantly and outliers are immediately identifiable.

Typical areas of application

  • Environmental simulation for vehicle cooling systems
  • Endurance testing of oven doors
  • Service life testing for window winders
  • Hob and hot plate testing
  • Service life testing for fan motors
  • Long-term stability measurements for solar modules


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