Easy-to-use analysis options


To analyse switching procedures, switching times and processes requires the acquisition of digital signals with high-level time resolution. Sampling rates in data loggers need to be much faster than typical PLC cycle times especially for fault analysis. An event recorder must also be capable of reliably processing relay and contact bouncing. Message and Expert devices are ideal for such tasks. Digital inputs record events at µsec resolution. Every input is recorded in parallel to enable precision determination of switch times. Depending on requirements, analog data can also be recorded in parallel. Internal logic and trigger channels enable events to be recorded and saved along with pre-and post data.



Application features

  • Parallel acquisition of digital and analog signals
  • High-level time resolution in µ-seconds for events
  • Event-triggered storing with pre and post data
  • Easy-to-use analysis options using ProfiSignal's logic analysis trends
  • Independent operation without the need for PC support

Practical example 

A manufacturer of locomotives uses Message devices to record errors and switching times during journeys. Digital signals are recorded from controllers, relays and contactors. CAN data is also recorded through the multiple CAN buses within the locomotives. Furthermore, a GPS sensor enables the synchronous acquisition of positional data. The system is then able to produce profiles of journeys and loads to aid the analysis of faults and malfunctions. The data can be accessed using a laptop via a USB stick or directly via a UMTS router. This enables immediate error analysis using ProfiSignal. 

Typical areas of application

  • Fault analysis on plant, machines and equipment
  • System certification for validation
  • Checking of PLC programs and logic analyses
  • Determining switching times for temperature controllers


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