Lab Neutralization Liquid Level Sensor



When we think about wastewater treatment systems, we generally picture large industrial manufacturers with substantial waste streams, flowing into a treatment facility. But lab neutralization systems can fit under a sink, in a cabinet or nearby closet. The typical system consists of mini-lift stations, two 10-gallon chemical feed tanks and a 30-gallon neutralization tank. Just as effective as their industrial counterparts, thousands of new lab neutralization systems are deployed each year in research and test facilities across the country. At this medical laboratory, two EchoPod ultrasonic level transmitters are installed in a mini-chemical feed acid and caustic storage tank. The non-contact sensor’s, provide continuous level data to the PLC, which in turn, actuates low level alarms, signaling the lab technicians to refill the tanks. When empty, the PLC will turn off the system to further protect the pumps. EchoPod is reliable chemical feed level measurement.





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