High Tide And Storm Surge Radar Level Measurement

High Tide And Storm Surge Radar Level Measurement

When the peninsula city of Hull, Massachusetts needed reliable level measurement of tidal data, they turned to Flowline. Located at the Southern entrance to Boston Harbor, the low-lying land is susceptible to flooding during astrological high tides or storm surges. Such events are dangerous, and they often result in property damage. The city leaders wanted to install a monitoring system that would detect, measure and alarm during unusually high tides, before they reached flood conditions. In addition, they wanted a level sensing device that could be placed away from the public with a local display for sensor verification. For these reasons, Flowline suggested our radar sensors that are ideal for outdoor environmental applications. When the tide rolls in, the radar sensor provides reliable level data to the SCADA, which monitors the high tide and alarms as necessary. Flowline is reliable level measurement.



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