Reliable Hot Wastewater Tank Ultrasonic Level Measurement

Reliable Hot Wastewater Tank Ultrasonic Level Measurement

When a Massachusetts manufacturer of abrasive products needed reliable level measurement and control of their wastewater collection and transfer tanks, they turned to Flowline. The firm produces grinding, honing and finishing wheels for the auto industry. Their technology bonds abrasive grits to parts using heat, resin, glass and sintered metal. Hot wastewater from each process line collects in tanks, that slowly fill and periodically transfer into treatment. There the operators were dissatisfied with previous ultrasonic level sensors that were often intermittent, due to the condensation that attenuated their acoustic signals. For this reason, Flowline suggested our proprietary reflective ultrasonic sensors, that are unaffected by condensation. Each ultrasonic sensor provides reliable level data to a controller, which indicates the tank level and controls a waste transfer pump. Flowline is reliable level measurement.



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