Chemical Distributor Tank Ultrasonic Level Measurement

Chemical Distributor Tank Ultrasonic Level Measurement
Chemical Distributor Tank Ultrasonic Level Measurement  

When an Ohio chemical distributor needed reliable level measurement of their chemical bulk storage tanks, they turned to Flowline. The firm blends, packages and delivers cleaning and sanitization chemicals to food and beverage manufacturers. Bulk chemicals are offloaded via railcar to eight storage tanks that feed their production vessels. The operator stated that previous pressure level sensors failed within six months due to corrosion, and this had caused product outages. Additionally, the tanks were near flammable liquids, and they required intrinsic safety. For these reasons, Flowline suggested our non-contact and intrinsically safe ultrasonic level sensors. The ultrasonic sensors provide reliable data to the PLC, which monitors the chemical inventories and alarms for replenishment. Flowline is reliable level measurement.




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Chemical Batch Mix Tank Ultrasonic Level Measurement

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