Application 155

USB Insertion/Extraction Motorized Test

Application Summary

Motorized insertion and extraction test are performed to determine the durability of a USB thumb-drive. Configuring the test stand with a FUTEK load cell (the LSB200 or LRM200) allows test engineers to quantify the exact force needed to insert or extract a USB connector.


Products in Use

Jr. Miniature S-Beam Load Cell (LSB200) or Jr S-Beam Load Cell with Male Threads (LRM200) paired with Instrumentation (IHH500).

Load Cell - USB Insertion/Extraction Motorized Test
How it Works
  1. During production, motorized test stands check for durability and insertion force of a USB connector.
  2. The motorized test stand runs cycle tests on the USB to ensure that the force required to insert or extract the unit from its port meets requirements or doesn't damage the thumb-drive.
  3. FUTEK’s Jr. S-Beam load cell (either the LSB200 or LRM200) can be fixed onto the horizontal test stand to repeatedly measure the push and pull forces as the USB connector enters and exits the 2.0 or 3.0 port.
  4. These force measurements can be recorded and reviewed on FUTEK's IHH500 Intelligent Digital Hand Held Display.
Load Cell - LSB200  - Jr. Miniature S-Beam Load Cell
Jr. Miniature S-Beam Load Cell
Load Cell - LRM200 - Jr S-Beam Load Cell with Male Threads
Jr S-Beam Load Cell with Male Threads
Load Cell - IHH500 - Intelligent Digital Hand Held Display
Intelligent Digital Hand Held Display


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