Application 316

Torque Sensors for Robot Joint Control

Application Summary

Versatile and adaptive robotic armatures have the benefit of increasing manufacturing productivity by automating and performing complex, repetitive tasks 24x7. These arms are often designed to be trainable or operate as a team as cooperative robots (cobot/co-robot). Driving these arms in their joints are servo or stepper motors. In addition to monitoring shaft position, these arms need to monitor torque output for smooth, steady motion. By combining these motors with a reaction torque sensor, control loops can be developed for smooth, autonomous operation.


Products in Use

A FUTEK TFF Series Reaction Torque Sensor with Thru Hole Center paired with FUTEK Amplifiers (IAA Series or IDA100).

Torque Sensor - Torque Sensors for Robot Joint Control
How it Works
  1. A TFF Series Reaction Torque Sensor is mounted between the robot arm servo motor and it's mounting points.
  2. The torque sensor measures the torque outputted during arm movement which is then amplified by the IAA Series or IDA100 amplifier.
  3. The amplified signal is then sent to the PLC or robotic arm controller, providing precision feedback and closing the control loop.
  4. Additionally, with the IDA100, amplified output from the sensor can be monitored and analog amplifier settings can be adjusted digitally with FUTEK's SENSIT™ Software.
Torque Sensor - TFF Series - Reaction Torque Sensor with Thru Hole Center
Reaction Torque Sensor with Thru Hole Center
Torque Sensor - IAA Series - Analog Amplifiers
Analog Amplifiers
Torque Sensor - IDA100 - Digitally Configurable Amplifier
Digitally Configurable Amplifier


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