ProfiSignal Klicks





ProfiSignal Klicks is software that enables users to operate, monitor and control their experiments as well as to acquire and evaluate their measurement data.

The vision behind ProfiSignal Klicks is software that enables scientists, technicians and engineers to generate their own systems independently without the need for specialist assistance.

Other software languages have been developed by IT specialists for IT specialists and can be used only after a long period of familiarization. This is not the case with ProfiSignal Klicks. ProfiSignal Klicks has been developed by engineers for engineers.

The unique feature of ProfiSignal Klicks

ProfiSignal Klicks has been granted many patents. Its unique feature is that program instructions are generated with context menus. This avoids the typing up of program text and the learning of commands. The user gets everything on a single plate. This is a major difference to conventional programming languages; the phrase "writing a program" does not apply to ProfiSignal Klicks.



ProfiSignal Klicks in use

Highly sophisticated systems have already been generated using ProfiSignal Klicks and are functioning to the full satisfaction of customers. Lead times from system conception to live running can be considerably shortened, with results being available more quickly and more efficiently.

Klicks enables the easy generation and maintenance of applications. No specialist IT knowledge is required. Users do not have to learn a programming language.

System integrators have also recognized the advantages of ProfiSignal Klicks. They can generate applications much quicker than previously possible. ProfiSignal Klicks therefore gives system integrators real competitive advantage.

Benefits of ProfiSignal Klicks

• Process automation

 Process visualisation and operation

 Measurement data acquisition and evaluation

 Automation of measurement procedures

 Inspection, tests, experiments

 Test stand automation

 Series testing

 Automatic generation of reports

 Optimizing energy usage

 Determining efficiency rates



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