Digitax HD M753 EtherCAT

EtherCAT device for centralized motion control applications

Digitax HD M753 EtherCAT features an integrated 2-port EtherCAT switch for easy integration into centralized motion control applications.

EoE (Ethernet over EtherCAT) support allows pc-tool connection for commissioning and monitoring over the EtherCAT network. The new servo drive can operate with motion controllers, motion PLCs and Industrial PCs via built-in EtherCAT.

  • Functional Safetyfunctional-safety

    All Unidrive M drives have integrated dual Safe Torque Off (STO) inputs, certified to SIL3 / PLe, providing an elegant and reliable safety solution. 
    The addition of an MiS210 safety option extends the built-in STO with the ability to safely monitor and/or restrict the scope of motion. 
    Safety functions include: STO, SBC, SOS, SS1, SS2, SLS, SSM, SLA, SDI, SLP & SES
    For maximum flexibility in the safety system architecture, the modules support both wired and network safety connections: CIP-Safety on EtherNet/IP and Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE).
    To find out more, visit our Functional Safety page.

Commissioning and monitoring software

 Control Techniques Unidrive M Connect Software

Connect - Commissioning tool

Based on Control Techniques’ 25 years experience, Unidrive M Connect is our latest drive configuration tool for commissioning, optimizing and monitoring drive/system performance


Automation and motion programming software

Control Techniques Machine Control Studio Software

Machine Control Studio - Programming Tool

Control Techniques Machine Control Studio provides a flexible and intuitive environment for programming Unidrive M’s new automation and motion control features




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