Application 118

Snow Shoe Testing

Application Summary

In this snow shoe commercial application test, several load button load cells are utilized to analyze the force placed on the toe and heel.


Products in Use

Two Miniature Load Buttons (LLB Series) paired with our USB Solutions and SENSIT™ Test and Measurement Software.

Load Cell - Snow Shoe Testing
How it Works
  1. In this application, a test stand is used to mimic the movements made during walking. Such tests are very common in commercial product testing to verify product integrity or quality.
  2. By utilizing a simulation test module, these snow shoes will undergo endurance and durability tests.
  3. To capture the data results from the aforementioned tests, two load buttons (LLB Series) are placed at the bottom of the foot simulator to measure the force of the heel and toe while in motion.
  4. Each load cell is paired to a FUTEK USB Solution, allowing the operator to stream the data directly onto his/her PC.
  5. Using FUTEK's SENSIT™ Test and Measurement Software, the operator then can collect, log, graph, and analyze the results.
Load Cell - LLB SERIES - Miniature Load Button
Miniature Load Button
Load Cell - USB SOLUTIONS - High Resolution USB Output Module
High Resolution USB Output Module
Load Cell - SOFTWARE - SENSIT™ Test and Measurement
SENSIT™ Test and Measurement


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