Remote Monitoring Software for mobile Pro-face Remote HMI

Version Information

Version 1.60.000
- Supporting connection via Pro-face Connect (Support LinkManager Mobile)
- Supporting Deep Link feature
- Supporting iOS 14
- Change AutoStart settings (for Android only)
- Automatic statup menu update
- Bug fixes.

Version 1.50.000 for Android
- Supporting Android 8, 9, and 10
- Deep Link feature
- Bug fixes

Version 1.50.000 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
- Supporting iOS 11, 12, and 13
- Deep Link feature
- Bug fixes

Version 1.42.000
- Windows application "Pro-face Remote HMI Client for Win" is released.

Version 1.42.100 for Android
- Able to configure a host name in IP address column.

Version 1.42.100 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
- Fixed that the edit menu does not pop-up, when many servers are registered.

Version 1.42.000 * GP-Pro EX Ver. 4.05 or later is required.
- GP4100 Series Color Model supported.* - An app is automatically launched after Android OS starts up.

Version 1.41.000 * GP-Pro EX Ver. 4.03 or later is required.
- Alarms on each terminal unit are displayed as messages in the notification area. (For Android only)* - Simultaneous access from multiple tablets is supported.*

Version 1.30.000 * GP-Pro EX Ver. 4.0 or later is required.
- SP5000 Series supported.* - GP4000M Series supported.* - Alarm Monitor Feature*

Version 1.20.000 * GP-Pro EX Ver. 3.6 or later is required.
- LT4000M Series supported.* - Full-Screen Display* - Change the background color at the time of screen display.*

New Feature in Version 1.10.000 (compatible with iOS) * GP-Pro EX Ver. 3.5 or later is required.
- Control of monopolizing touch operation* - Special Switch parts can be operated in the asynchronous mode.* - The synchronous and/or asynchronous connection mode can be selected at the time of boot*
- Control of the synchronous/asynchronous mode* - Erasing Unlock Touch Operation messages - Improving UI of thumbnails



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