Multi-Converter for SP5000 Series

Step Towards IoT

High-function data-collecting device with two serial ports, three Ethernet ports, one SD card or CFast card slot, and two or more USB ports. Ideal for complex system or multi-equipment data collection.

What is Multi-Converter?

"Multi-Converter" is the name of the products with combination of SP5000 Box Module (Open Box: PFXSP5B41, PFXSP5B40 (End of sale: Mar. 30, 2018) *1, Power Box: PFXSP5B10) and DC Power Supply Adapter (PFXZCDADEXP1).

*1 Before use, the system update is required when the rivision is SV6.1 or earlier.

Improve Efficiency by Visualizing Production


Merge data from different devices

Unify protocols and collect data efficiently.


Tablet-based on-demand HMI

See status of equipment or devices in the right place at the right time.


HMI for ANDON (Large-sized monitor)

Optimize work by sharing production status.


System Configuration



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