Measurement data and relational databases in a single system

Complex test stand applications often require not only measurement data and input parameters, but also links to data associated with the test samples. The ProfiSignal SQL/ODBC interfaces enable data interchange between test stand applications and relational databases, e.g. SQL server via an ODBC interface and SQL commands. Storing measurement data to databases and querying test sample data is performed using the familiar SQL syntax.


ODBC as basis

The ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) interface is used for data transmission between databases and ProfiSignal applications.

This Microsoft-standardized interface uses SQL as its database language and permits programmers to develop independent database systems.

Because the ODBC interface operates across systems, the SQL server (POSIX, DB2, MS-SQL, My-SQL, Excel, Access) does not necessarily require set up under the Windows operating system.

SQL/ODBC option functions

• Connectivity to any ODBC compatible database system

• Read/write access to relational databases

• Functions with any operating system

• Standardized interface with SQL instruction set

• Flexible report generator using database content

• Links measurement data with relational databases



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