ProfiSignal Web is state-of-the-art measurement technology software for “ IoT measurement and monitoring tasks”. Measurement data can now be acquired decentrally, stored centrally and viewed from anywhere using any type of user device. Accessing and analysing measurement data from Industrial IoT applications have become more flexible than ever before. Whether for mobile fault analysis, condition monitoring, environmental measurement technology, energy monitoring or the checking of ongoing testing processes.

Remote monitoring of live data

By using ProfiSignal Web, both large and small volumes of data can be acquired and monitored, locally and remotely, and evaluated online during measurement acquisition. Data can be transferred optionally via LAN, WLAN or mobile networks. 

Measurement data can for the first time be accessed, platform-independently and from any standard browser on a desktop, notebook, tablet or smartphone, without the need to install client software. ProfiSignal Web is multi-user capable and access can be regulated according to user rights. 

Data storage in the measurement device, in the cloud or on a company intranet

ProfiSignal Web differentiates between visualisation and data source. A special feature is the ability to store data optionally in the measurement device, in the cloud, or on a server in a company intranet. The ProfiSignal Webserver, with integrated data storage function, is then installed at the required storage destination. The Webserver acts as a data manager to preprocess data and make it ready for further processing. 

Visualisation in easy to read dashboards

Another new feature is the ability to have measurement data visualised in easy to read, individualised dashboards which users can create without the need for programming knowledge. The dashboard brings data into a single overview and is easily assembled and configured as an individualised and modern front end. 

Location-independent access is ideal for:

  • Field trial systems
  • Test drives
  • Condition monitoring on remote machines, systems and buildings
  • General remote measurement and monitoring tasks
  • Centralised data storage tasks
  • Weather stations and other environmental measurement systems


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