Flexibility using cloud functions

ProfiSignal Web makes measurement projects significantly more flexible through cloud functions. Accessing, analysing and visualising measurement data from Industrial IoT applications can now be performed according to specific project requirements.

On-site storage and processing of measurement data

Measurement data can be acquired decentrally and stored on-site. “Measurement technology for edge cloud computing” enables the data to be accessed from anywhere. The cloud then becomes a component of the measurement hardware. Data storage and processing takes place locally within a measurement device such as a Loggito Logger. All cloud components, including the measurement technology software, is pre-installed within the measurement device. This enables measurement data acquisition devices to undertake all cloud functions.

Acquiring measurement data on site and processing it centrally

Measurement data can be acquired on site and stored collectively at a central location. The data storage destination can be in the cloud or on a server in a company intranet. The ProfiSignal Webserver, which needs to be installed at the required destination, acts as a data manager and undertakes data processing and preparation. Measurement data acquisition devices such as the Loggito Logger, act as middleware and deliver data to either private or public cloud servers.

LAN / WLAN / mobile communications

Transmission of data can also be individually determined according to project needs. The options are LAN, WLAN or mobile communications (UMTS/LTE).



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