colorCONTROL ACS7000 is one of the most advanced inline color measuring systems in the world. Unlike conventional technologies, this system recognizes colors not just by comparing them to reference values, but also by using the reflection spectrum to ensure unique identification. Due to its very high measurement speed, the colorCONTROL ACS7000 is suitable for applications where colors and shades have to be examined on-the-fly and to very high accuracies. Due to the extremely high measurement accuracy, the system is also applied in laboratories, e.g. in industrial Research and Development. Different sensor models are available to suit various measurement tasks.


What is colorCONTROL ACS7000 measuring principle?

The sample is illuminated with homogeneous white LED light. The diffusely reflected light in a specified angle range is fed via a collecting lens and fiber optic to a spectrometer and analyzed. The diffuse spectral reflectivity of the sample is determined from the spectra of the sample and a white reference sample. The color coordinates required by the user with the respective boundary conditions such as color space, type of light, standard observer are calculated from the so determined reflection function in accordance with the methods specified in DIN 5033.


The advantage of this spectral method as compared with the three-range method is the greater accuracy of the color measurement. Thereby, the precise determination of the color values for various observation conditions (type of light, standard observer) with simultaneous coverage of the complete color space is possible.

The colorCONTROL ACS7000 color measurement system is modularly designed. Different sensors, but not at the same time, can be coupled to the controller via a fiber optic connection. Spectrometer and light source are integrated in the controller and each is connected to the sensor via its own fiber connection. The sensor is thus completely passive.

Operating Modes

  •  Measurement of the color values: The color values of the sample are determined 
  •    and output for a specified set of measurement conditions (color space, type of light, 
  •    standard observer)
  •  Measurement of the spectrum: The spectral reflection function is measured and 
  •    output. - Color recognition: The color values of the sample are determined and
  •    compared with the stored reference color values in the controller. If the measured 
  •    color is within a specifies tolerance range around one of these colors, this color is
  •    signaled as recognized





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