Digitax HD M754 MCi

Servo drive and controller in one

powerful MCi second processor onboard the Digitax M754 servo drive brings a whole host of machine design opportunities.

The onboard MCi processor executes comprehensive programs that can control multiple drives and motors simultaneously across real-time networks

Onboard Ethernet using RTMoE (Real Time Motion over Ethernet) provides synchronization and communication between drives using the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) as defined by IEEE1588 V2 

Simple integration with external components such as Remote I/O, HMIs and PLCs can be achieved with Modbus TCP/IP on the integrated 2-port standard Ethernet switch.

  • Functional Safetyfunctional-safety

    All Unidrive M drives have integrated dual Safe Torque Off (STO) inputs, certified to SIL3 / PLe, providing an elegant and reliable safety solution. 
    The addition of an MiS210 safety option extends the built-in STO with the ability to safely monitor and/or restrict the scope of motion. 
    Safety functions include: STO, SBC, SOS, SS1, SS2, SLS, SSM, SLA, SDI, SLP & SES
    For maximum flexibility in the safety system architecture, the modules support both wired and network safety connections: CIP-Safety on EtherNet/IP and Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE).
    To find out more, visit our Functional Safety page.



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