
Distance to connect (5m)

Host Cable Display Size Display Expansion Adapter

PS6000 Series
PS5000 Series
(Only Windows 10)
Windows OS-installed PC
​(Only Windows 10)

DVI (video), USB (touch)

22" Wide FP-6900WC -
19" Wide FP-6800WC
15" Wide FP-6700WC
12" Wide FP-6600WC
10 Wide FP-6500WC
15" FP-6700TM
12" FP-6600TM

Distance to connect (100m)

Host Cable Display Size Display Expansion Adapter


PS5000 Series

Ethernet (video, touch) 22" Wide PS-D5900WP Display Adapter
19" Wide PS-D5800WP
15" Wide PS-D5700WP
12" Wide PS-D5600WP
15" PS-D5700TA
12" PS-D5600TA

PS5000 Series
(except PS-5700T/5600T)*1
SP5000 Series SP-5B41
Windows OS-installed PC

19" Wide SP-5800WC Multi Display Adapter
15" Wide SP-5700WC
15" SP-5700TP
12" SP-5600TP
10" SP-5500TP
12" SP-5600TA
12" Wide SP-5600WA
10" Wide SP-5500WA
7" Wide SP-5400WA

*1When using Multi Display Adapter, do not use PS-5700T/PS-5600T as a host PC’s display because touch does not respond normally. Other PS5000 Series(PS-5900W, PS-5800W, PS-5700W, PS-5600W, PS-5000B, etc.) can be used for Multi Display Adapter.



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